
Weekly menu with snacks

weekly menu poster

weekly menu poster

Phew, we made it to the end of the week! This week’s weekly menu with snacks was SUCH a lifesaver.

The first week of the year is always very busy in our house, filled with nameday celebrations and birthdays! In previous years there would have been a number of house visits in the mix, but as we are under lockdown it was just the four of us. And I have no complaints. I am happy to have spent quality time with my little family. My kids won’t be little for a long time and I try to enjoy them to the full. Having said that, I am already planning events for next year. If all this craziness is over of course!

One way that I make my meal plan serve me and not the other way around while being on a budget and spend almost zero brainpower is to cook the meals in the order that makes more sense to my schedule.

Obviously, this means that I probably won’t follow the meal prep portion, but that allows me to be flexible. If my schedule is full I might not have time to cook. So we will either cook a double batch the previous day to account for leftovers or I will choose the recipe that requires the least hands-on time. Does that make sense to you?

What you need to remember is that your meal plan is there to help you, not to make your life difficult. You can follow it to a T or just cook two recipes. Although that might sound counterproductive, do what you believe is best for you and adjust the plan to your schedule. If you need any help with that you can always shoot me an email at joanna@olivetreemeals.com. I am always glad to help.

Here is what we had for dinner and snacks this past week.



Rice Meatballs

Leek pie 



Baked Sole

Pears & Crackers



Roasted chicken with potatoes and carrots

Apple slices sprinkled with cinnamon



Lentil Stew

Pears & Crackers



Baked Ocra

Tortilla Chips



Pizza Night

Vanilla Ice-Cream




Vanilla Ice-Cream


How was your week?

Want to remember this? Post this Weekly Menu with snacks to your favorite Pinterest Board!

weekly menu poster

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